My Mission: I want to show the beauty of our nature, especially the world underwater. I want to open this world to everybody, make it accessible to people who can’t dive there themselves. Join me into the fantastic underwater world.
Whenever I’m filming my policy is, nature first and then my picture. I do all for the perfect picture, but only in harmony with nature. I’m convinced animals feel that and so they let me film them. This is my experience in the last years. Fish are Friends and I love them, so I will protect them as much as I can.
My newest Underwater Movies
Der Korallengärtner
The Cushion Star Dilemma
Meet the Ghost Pipefish
A Dangerous Journey - Turtles Hatching
Faszination Tigerhaie - Lennart Voßgätter
Reportage - Die Tigerhaie von Fuvamulah
Der Korallengärtner
Der Basler Ahmad Allahgholi setzte voll auf Risiko. Mit dem letzten Geld auf seinem Konto kaufte er – Korallen. Eine Reportage über einen Mann, der sein Leben komplett umkrempelte und es heute der Aufforstung von Korallenriffen widmet.
Früher war Ahmad Allahgholi, den alle Aki nennen, ein erfolgreicher Banker. Er lebte auf grossem Fuss und hatte wenig Zeit für sich. Nebenbei führte er die angesagte Messeturm-Bar in Basel. Doch ein Burnout zwang Aki dazu, sein Leben zu überdenken.
Seit sechs Jahren pflanzt er überall auf der Welt Korallen, um dem Korallensterben entgegenzuwirken. Auf den Malediven, in Soneva Fushi, wo das ursprüngliche Riff durch eine Korallenbleiche zerstört wurde, will er mit seinem Team 50'000 Korallen ansiedeln. Reporterin Sabrina Inderbitzi hat Aki bei seinem bisher grössten Projekt begleitet.
▪ Ein Film von Sabrina Inderbitzi
▪ Kamera: Sabrina Inderbitzi
▪ Schnitt: Felix Hulliger -
The Cushion Star Dilemma
Join biologist Matthew Walker as he explores research into coral restoration in Soneva Fushi. In his study, 'Cushion Sea-Star Removal Enhances Coral Restoration Practices and Limits Background Mortality on Recovering Reefs', Matt explores how the removal of cushion sea stars can significantly improve coral restoration efforts and reduce background mortality on struggling reefs. Watch the movie and learn more about how these findings could shape the future of coral conservation. -
Meet the Ghost Pipefish
Fish are Friends and the Ghost Pipefish is such a wonderful creature that it is my new best friend and part of my "Best Friend Series". Ghost Pipefish are related to seahorses, eat plankton and crustaceans and breed in a very special way. Check the video for more about their interesting life in our oceans. -
A Dangerous Journey - Turtles Hatching
Only one in a thousand makes it to sexual maturity. When turtles are hatching predators are already waiting for them. They run and swim for their life and when they reach the open sea their "lost years" start. We don't really know where the go in their first years.
Ein Film von Sabrina Inderbitzi
mit Matthew Walker
Auszeichnung als Bester Film Voice of the Ocean an der ADEX Asia -
Faszination Tigerhaie - Lennart Voßgätter
Lennart Voßgätter ist Meeresbiologe und erforscht in Fuvamulah die Tigerhaie. Eine riesige Population von über 180 Tieren. Lenny über seine Faszination und seine Motivation diese charismatischen Tiere zu schützen.
Ein Film von Sabrina Inderbitzi
mit Lennart Voßgätter
Im Festivalprogramm vom CINEMARE Filmfestial in Kiel -
Reportage - Die Tigerhaie von Fuvamulah
Eine Reportage von Fuvamulah, der Insel auf den Malediven, mit der grössten Tigerhai-Population der Welt. Ich bin skeptisch was Fütterungstauchgänge angeht und wollte mir selber ein Bild machen und herausfinden ob ich das verantworten kann. Ein Film von und mit Sabrina Inderbitzi
Galapagos Series
In an 8-part series I dive in the Galapagos:
A childhood dream finally come true. I do a liveaboard to Wolf & Darwin, the best dive sites in the world. Logically the expectations are super high and I can’t wait to get there. What is Galapagos like? What is waiting for me? And will it be as great as everybody told me?
Join me on my adventure to the Galapagos Islands underwater and on land.
Episode 1 – A childhood dream come true - Galapagos Series – English
Episode 2 – My first dives – Galapagos Series - English
Episode 3 - Diving Wolf Island - Galapagos Series - English
Episode 1 – A childhood dream come true - Galapagos Series – English
Epiode 1: A childhood dream finally come true. I go to the Galapagos Islands for a liveaboard to Wolf & Darwin, the best dive sites in the world. Logically the expectations are super high and I can't wait to get there. What is the Galapagos like? What is waiting for me? And will it be as great as I've heard of? -
Episode 2 – My first dives – Galapagos Series - English
Finally I jump into the water in the Galapagos. The first dives at Punta Carrion, Baltra Nordeste, Mosquera. Already here the Galapagos provides a lot of highlights. I see my first sea lions, golden rays, schools of tunas and over a hundred mobulas. -
Episode 3 - Diving Wolf Island - Galapagos Series - English
In this episode I dive the world famous dive site “Wolf”. Wolf is known for schools of hammerhead sharks with over fifty. It's a pleasure to finally be here and my expectations are super high. Anything can happen here. Wolf is always good for surprises. The surprise today consists of hammerheads, dolphins and something totally unexpected. Lucky me! See for yourself. Accompany me on my dives in Sharkbay and Landslide and see what I encounter here.
Raja4Divers – Marine Life Movies
This was a Project I did for Raja4Divers. 9 short movies for their Website. They show whats around the resort and whats special about the area. With some short facts in the movies the guests should get to know a little bit more about special divesites or marine life.
Why does a shark need to be perfectly camouflaged? Watch this movie for the answer and more interesting facts that will bring you closer to our friends below water. The "Raja4Divers Underwater Facts" mini series is about fish and creatures you will see while diving or snorkeling with us at our resort in Raja Ampat. This is not about the rare encounters and by far does not contain the vast underwater biodiversity that Raja Ampat is famous for. For that, you must visit us yourself! See you at Pulau Pef!
How diverse can dive sites be? Watch this movie for the answer and explore the unique underwater world of Raja Ampat. The "Raja4Divers Underwater Facts" mini series is about fish and creatures you will see while diving or snorkeling with us at our resort in Raja Ampat. This is not about the rare encounters and by far does not contain the vast underwater biodiversity that Raja Ampat is famous for.
Can Batfish change their color? Watch this movie for the answer and more interesting facts that will bring you closer to our friends below water. The "Raja4Divers Underwater Facts" mini series is about fish and creatures you will see while diving or snorkeling with us at our resort in Raja Ampat. This is not about the rare encounters and by far does not contain the vast underwater biodiversity that Raja Ampat is famous for.
Raja Ampat – Indonesia
I’ve been so many times to Raja Ampat, and everytime I had so much footage to do Videos. Here are the best ones:
Misool Paradise
The Passage
Best of Barracudas
Misool Paradise
The Passage
Best of Barracudas
Komodo – Indonesia
Manta Mania in Komodo
Fusilier Run - Komodo
Ocean in Motion
Manta Mania in Komodo
Manta Mania in Komodo in April 2015. This is out of 2 Dives. An amazing expierience as the Mantas were so close, we could have touched them and they stayed the whole dive. A pitty we had to go up after 60 minutes. -
Fusilier Run - Komodo
For me the best thing that can happen underwater is hunting action. This was an early morning dive at Batu Balong in Komodo. I love watching the travellis shoot into the school of fusiliers and how the school moves around. I imagine that the Sardine Run must feel a bit like that. 😉 Filmed with an Sony a6300 and a 10mm-18mm, f4 and a redfilter. Music: yybytore - Ancient Art Of Magic Filmed & Edited by Sabrina inderbitzi -
Ocean in Motion
Ocean in Motion. The Ocean is full of life and its very nice to be part of it and watch whats going on down there, as there is very much going on. The big part of this movie was filmed in Indonesia, Malaysia and Egypt. Made with Sony RX100, Music: A Hero Will Come, MFYM - Fantastic Dance
Dolphins in the Red Sea
Best of 5 Days North Egypt
South Egypt - St. Johns Tour April 2014
Dolphins in the Red Sea
This was an awesome dive. I think my best dive ever. The dolphins were with us the whole dive, came and left again and played with us. It was a great encounter. I love these animals. Camera: GH5 with WWL-1 Music: Carlos_Estella - The Promise Filmed & Edited by Sabrina inderbitzi -
Best of 5 Days North Egypt
Testing my new GH5 with the Nauticam WWL-1 on a Liveaboard in North Egypt. It was a great trip where we had a lot of luck meeting dolphins, longimanus, and we had the chance to visit a few great wrecks for example the Thistlegorm or the Carnatic. For the long version check: Music: Jorge de la Torre - Silently, Dj Rostej - Gentle Times GH5 in a Nauticam Housing with 14-24mm and WWL-1 Filmed & Edited by Sabrina inderbitzi -
South Egypt - St. Johns Tour April 2014
South Egypt - St. Johns Tour with Blue Planet on MY Blue Seas in April 2014. Filmed with Sony RX100. Best out of 6 Days Diving in the Red Sea.
Blackwater Diving
Anemone City - Alor
Ice Diving - Lake Baikal - Siberia
Blackwater Diving
Blackwater Diving is the most crazy thing you can do. You drive out into the pitch black night with the dingy, jump into the ocean and wait what comes up. And you discover a world, which is just freaky.
Anemone City - Alor
Diving in the Anemone City in Alor. This Diveside is grown over with anemones and full of Nemos. I have never seen a place like that. I like it so much, it's a pity I couldn't stay longer down there. It was a really special dive.
My first 4K-Video so don't miss to watch it in 4K!
Filmed with a Sony A6300 and a 10mm-18mm and a 30mm Makro.
Music by Greendjohn - 1,2,3 Piano
Filmed & Edited by Sabrina inderbitzi
Ice Diving - Lake Baikal - Siberia
Ice Diving in Lake Baikal. We started in Listvjanka and dived under the Ice. It was sooo freezing cold I thought my lips and my fingers will freeze. It felt like a brain freeze. But after a few minutes it got better and after 25min we were done and had to go out of the water to heat up again. But it was an expierience and who can tell that he did Ice Diving in Siberia? 😉
Filmed with a Sony a6300 by Sabrina Inderbitzi
Music: Keys Of Soul - Cirrus
Blackwater Diving
Anemone City - Alor
Ice Diving - Lake Baikal - Siberia
Blackwater Diving
Anemone City - Alor
Ice Diving - Lake Baikal - Siberia